Page name: Ikilios' Palace 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-11 14:06:37
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
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back to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2

Kaeso smiled and waved them over, filling up three small bowls and handing them to the girls, "Now don't tell the Ceasar I'm giving away his good breakfeast" he said with a wink.

"And this wonderful bread!" Caius called from over near another cook.

"Caius! Thats for his lunch!" Caius looked at it and shrugged before walking over.

"It's still good, would you like any?" He offered to the them.

" This is wonderful Kaeso, right.?" Kathryn said shyly to Kaeso.

Leonor smiled her thanks as she accepted and nudged Sarconia with a giggle.

Sarconia giggled a little, and took the bowl, "Thank you." She said and she looked at Leonor.. then glanced at Caius.

Kathryn who only noticed the giggle. Rolled her eyes in Leonor and Sarconias direction. She then whispered to Leonor, " Are you going to invite them? or maybe Sarconia should." Kathryn asked with a gleam in her eye.

Kaeso blushed at Kathryn's remark earlier, "I'm not wonderful... I'm only one of the lower cooks and a taste tester." he chuckled a little.

Leonor called over at Caius. "Caius, if you're not busy, Sarconia was wondering if you would accompany us to the Pantheon. We'll be going after we ask Caesar." Leonor said with a grin.

Sarconias' eyes widened and she turned her head to look at Leonor. "Why did you do that??!?" She mouthed at her, then turned and smiled at Caius.

Caius smiled, "Of course I'd be glad to come, I've been meaning to pay a visit to the Pantheon. I don't go nearly as often as Kaeso here."

"Speaking of the Pantheon, mind if I accompany you as well?" Kaeso asked.

"Ah, we don't mind at all, good Kaeso, and I'm sure kathryn wouldn't mind either! Now, come along, let's hurry to the Pantheon." Leonor said, hoping the other girls had forgotton about Ikilios.

"Ha! I know what you are doing." Kathryn whispered to Leonor, " We still have to collect the Ceasar." Kathryn said with a grin to all those nearby. "You don't get out of it that easily. After what you just did." Kathryn whispered so both Leonor and Sarconia could hear. " Maybe we can bring Ceasar his breakfast and invite him along when he is finished." Kathryn suggested to all.

Sarconia grinned at Kathryn and said, "Yes I think thats a good idea Kathryn dear." And she smiled sweetly at Leonor.

Kathryn returned the smile she was glad she had some reinforcement, when it came to this department. " Yes that sounds excellent what do you boys say?" Kathryn asked causually.

Kaeso grinned, "Sure, here can someone carry the Caesar's drink and bread? I'll bring him his bowl."

" I will take the bread and Leonor can take the drink." Kathryn said she brushed his sleeve reaching for the bread and drink and handing the drink to Leonor.

Sarconia saw the "innocent" brush.. She looked over at Leonor who had apparently seen it too, and she grinned.

" You know Ladies. I don't belive i have been introduced." Kathryn said looking for a safe topic for conversation.

"Ah, that is the truth! Kaeso, Caius, this is Kathryn. Kathryn, well, you know who they are." Leonor said, smiling softly.
Ikilios opened his eyes and sighed. He sat up and looked around his room. He got up, washed himself and dressed. Malekith's words swam around his said and it made his head hurt. He frowned. He needed a drink of strong posca....or Leonor.
Sarconia smiled and said, "Well, lets be off to the Caesars chambers then." Waiting for Leonor to go first, she smiled at her.

Kathryn nodds to the men in recognition then says teaseingly, " Yes Leonor, you lead the way for Sarconia and I don't know the way." and with that Kathryn winked at Sarconia.

Leonor blushed and led the way reluctantly. As they arrived before Ikilios' doors, Leonor knocked too softly for anyone to hear.

Noticing Leonors tentativness, she leaned forward and knocked three times, stepping back behind Leonor.

Taking pity on poor harassed Leonor, Kathryn called, " Ikilios it is Leonor, Kathryn and Sarconia, along with Caius and Kaeso. May we come in... we have breakfast." Kathryn finished stepping to the other side of Leonor.
Diana arraive at the palace unknown to mortals. Diana looked around and noticed the group headed for the Ceasar's rooms. She would wait for Apollo and Discordia before she followed the mortals, she wouldn't want to keep all this fun to herself.

Apollo and Discordia arraived at the palace in the same fashion as Diana.
They see her in a corner and they fly to her. "Now where to?" Apollo asked Diana, his arm still around Discordias waist.
Somnus entered the pallace, invisible to all its inhabitants. "The ceasar has nightmares more and more often." He mused to himself. "He will come to me soon enough." Thus with a straitening of his robe, he followed after Ikilios through the palace
Ikilios opened the door, surprised to see them all there. "Is someting the matter?" Ikilios asked.

Kaeso shook his head and stepped forward, "We brought you your breakfeast m'lord." he said, bowing the best he could with the bowl in his hands.

Sarconia smiled, "And after that, we were going to the Pantheon, and were wondering if you wanted to go with us." She said grinning at Kathryn.

Ikilios turned to Leonor and saw that her eyes were averted from his. He smiled. "Why don't we just have breakfast at the Pantheon? I shall call litters for all of us," Ikilios said.

Sarconia nudged Leonor in the ribs with her elbow and whispered so only Leonor and Kathryn could hear. "Leonor, dont be nervous.. smile." Then looked at Ikilios and said, "That sounds like a great idea." And smiled.

"It's settled then." Ikilios said with a smile. Good, I can pray to Somnus, just like Malekith suggested, Ikilios thought. Ikilios called for litters and Ikilios, Caius, Kaeso, Leonor, Kathryn, and Sarconia headed to the Pantheon
"Ah, excellent. Just what I thought." mused Somnus, and left for the pantheon
Apollo let go of Discordia and said to her and Diana, "Wait here, I'll be right back." And in a flash of light, Apollo was gone to the pantheon.
Aurelius strode in his proud military way into the palace looking for Caesar, undoubtedly to check for new orders. Seeing as there is noone to be found here, he headed for the Colloseum.
"Well Discordia this gives us time to become acquainted. Shall we go about meddling in mortal affairs as we get to know one another?" Diana suggested politely.

"Meddling with humans, and spending time with you? I couldn't think of anything better." She said as she smiled at Diana.
Ikilios, Leonor and Kathryn entered the palace.

"So since we missed the fight, what shall we do now?" Kathryn asked Ikilios and Leonor.

Leonor sighed. She really couldn't stand blood and gore anyway. "Well, so much for prayers at the Pantheon," Leonor said with a laugh. "Hmm, what shall we do for the day?"
Lucius flipped through the papyrus with an expressionless face. He stopped flipping and pulled out a sheet, staring at it intensely. Curses! I forgot about them! How could I forget about them?! Lucius was reading one of the latest reports from a centurion. Lucius had forgotten all about them! He'd need Caius to tell him who the loyal ones were to Ikilios, and those who weren't. It was crucial. Lucius, angry at himself for forgetting such a factor, pounded a fist into the desk. Where were Caius and Sarconia?!
Ikilios smiled. "I would love to spend the day with you ladies, but you must remember that i am Caesar. Duties call. I must speak with the praetors of Rome and see what needs to be overseen." Ikilios replied with a bow and walked away.

"Good. This will give me an opportunity to see how things are run and where i am needed most. So where to first?" Kathryn said aware that her sunny disposition never faltered.

Ikilios choked. "You're coming along?" Ikilios questioned. Not even Leonor had ever followed hi to the courts where he spoke with senators and Praetors.

" Of course. If I am to help you. As we agreeded upon earlier." Kathryn raised an eyebrow, " Are you uncomfortable with a woman who knows how things work. I hear a lot of things because some people think women don't have ears or the sense to put two and two together." Kathryn said in a no nonsense tone.

Ikilios cleared his throat nervously. "Women don't particapte in politics, Kathryn." Ikiliios said

" Really?!" Kthryn asked raising an eyebrow. " I suppose all we are good for is babies, then. How do we get good husbands.. then if not by politics. I am a subtle politician Ikilios. In Alexandria I was treated with respect... oops i shouldn't have said that." Kathryn said covering up her mouth her eyes though were totally serious.

"Women do not involve themselves in politics in Rome, Kathryn, and they're not only for producing children because there are women that can't. We respect our women, but they have their roles elsewhere, such as being polite and letting a Caesar off to his duties." Ikilios said with a wide smile.

" I am firm in this matter Ikilios. I am comming with you. I will be as inobtrusive as possible, since as i detect in your voice. There has never been a woman in the senate." Kathryn said with a smile matching Ikilio's.

Ikilios sighed. "Very well." Ikilios admitted defeat. Ikilios held Leonor's hand and kissed her knuckles. "Stay here, Leonor, and i shall come back to you as soon as possible." Ikilios released her hand reluctantly and offered an arm to Kathryn.

" Thank you. But you and i will enter seperately when we get to the senate. And i will meet you where we entered when you are ready to go. Just catch my eyes and indicate SUBTLEY that you are leaving and i will be with you promptly. Is that alright?" Kathryn said taking the offered arm, and letting him lead the way.

Ikilios chuckled, leading the way into an ampitheter built only for political meetings. It was large and built only of white marble. He sighed and entered the ampitheater.
Within the ampitheater, most of the praetors and senators were already waiting for them. What surprised him the most was that Lucius was still not there. Ikilios took a breath. He took his seat and waited for the first senator or praetor to speak up. They seemed to be waiting for Lucius. Ikilios frowned. Lucius was not Caesar. "Senator Remus, tell me of the news in the southern civitas." Ikilios said.

A senator draped in a long toga stepped up and bowed deeply. "The southern civitas are flourishing, my lord, and the gods have blessed us bountifully."

Kathryn entered the ampitheater, from another door and took a seat a decent distance from the Ceasar. She watched and listened intently to the proceedings.

Ikilios went through ever senator and every praetor with patience and equal attention. He answered questions honestly and with his full and most honest answers. By the time he was done and the politicians were just having idle chatter, Ikilios was weary. He turned to Kathryn, made eye contact, and made his way to his exit.

Kathryn who had been conversing with Senator Remus about the crops and the weather. Excused herself when his attention moved onto another senator. She walked around a little giving Ikilios time to get away, nodding at Senators that she had met. She finally withdrew from the ampitheater, she made they were alone then smiled. " That went better than expected Ikilios. They were wary at first but they opened up to me in the end. That soft sensitive female ear." Kathryn said with an emphasis on female and wink at Ikilios.
Sarconia walked into the palace and spotted Leonor. "Leonor!" She called, walking over to her. "I've been looking for you." She said with a grin. "I guess going to the Pantheon didnt work out as palnned." She said with a sigh. But her face lit up. "What do you want to do now?" She asked.

"Hmmm, well, erm, I usually spend time in the garden picking flowers for..." Leonor blushed, "for Caesar and then go to clean his room and then help Kaeso with dinner," Leonor replied with a shy smile.

Sarconia grinned. "Well we should do something different to day." She said grinning. "Maybe go torment the gladiators." She winked and laughed. "That could be fun." She said, thinking outloud. Then she looked around. "Wheres Caesar and Kathryn?" She asked Leonor.

Leonor bowed her head. "Caesar is with Kathryn. They're getting very close." Leonor replied. But her face lit up in a smile. "But the gods wish it so, i suppose, so i shall be happy for both of them. And yes, we could go to the Colosseum and perhaps shop around Latium!" Leonor added excitedly.

Caius entered the palace looking around desperately for Lucius. He felt bad for leaving Sarconia at the Pantheon, but a warning from a god was important and he could always make it up to her later. He grinned, that would be fun. He headed to Lucius' studies and rapped on the door.
"Leonor.. I've seen the way he looks at you." Sarconia said to Leonor. "Just give it time.. He's just as nervous as you are." She said softly. "But right now, yes lets go and watch a game, then we could go shop.. It's been a while since I've done that." She said laughing.
Ikilios smiled at Kathryn. "You may be a revolutionary inspiration to all women in Rome, dear Kathryn!" Ikilios said with a chuckle. A servant came and offered him watered wine to help revive him.
Lucius heard the knocking and looked up. "Come in," Lucius growled, hoping to the gods it was Caius. They had urgent things to talk about.
"Well then, let's go shopping first, and then we'll go to a game!" Leonor said, taking Sarconia's arm. Together, Sarconia and Leonor exited the Pantheon to Latium.
Kathryn stopped Ikilios from drinking the wine and took a sip. She waited a moment then let him have the cup again. " You must be careful Ikilios. Not all are your friends." Kathryn said seriously." You and some of the Senators seemed to expect some one in the beginning of the session. Who were you waiting or thinking about?" Kathryn asked.

Ikilios was shocked that Kathryn would test it so willingly. "I-I've never had the fear of being poisoned for only Kaeso has been so brave as to taste every bit of food and drink I receive," Ikilios answered. He blinked and stared at Kathryn in awe. "And Lucius is usually at the meetings...they were all expecting him to come and introduce them to me, as usual..."

"So why wasn't he there. Did you request that he introduce the Senators? You need to start being aware. Because you don't know who sent the wine do you. You just assumed that Kaeso sent it, but you don't know. You need to start being on edge again." Kathryn said in an inquisitive voice.

"You know, Kathryn, you are right...I am not quite so sharpened on my edges as i was when i first became protector of Rome..." Ikilios said.

" So Ikilios are we going to go find out why... I don't know who... wasn't at the Senate. Maybe with my presence and help we can hone you into the sharpest blade in rome." Kathryn said with a smile.

Caius stepped inside Lucius' studied and shut the door again. "Sorry for coming by without notice, but when I was in the Pantheon this morning, Apollo warned me of Malekith, he is onto us already, I warned Sarconia, and then came straight here."
" Look Discordia. There goes Caius. I believe he is a favored one of yours shall we meddle." Diana commented to her fellow godess and followed Caius into Lucius study unseen and unheard by mortal eyes, she was bored and wanted some entertainment.

Discordia followed Diana into the study, also invisible to the consulting men. As she listened to the conversation he eyes grew. "I had heard rumors Caius might be part of the plot against Caesar, but I never imagined he was this involved!" She whispered to Diana.

" Why whisper my dear. They can't hear us unless we choose for them to hear us. Do you support his actions or do you disagree with his actions?" Diana asked sitting on the edge of Lucius desk, the mortals unware of the godesses prences.

"I'm not sure entirely... I try to keep myself out of Rome's politics, after all anything I become involved in usually becomes mayhem. Although he is my favored, so somehow I am not surprised that he would be in the midst of this mess." She tilted her head, thinking. "I suppose I don't like him plotting so viciously against the Caesar, but I wonder what his reasons are, he doesn't seem to be the type to be a rebel without putting much thought into it. What do you make of it?"

" I don't think he is the brains behind the opperation. I think he is the second and this one." Diana indicated Lucius " He is the ring leader by Caius's opening statement." Diana said playing with Lucius hair, yet she made it seem like the breeze, that came from an open window nearby. " Your Caius is not innocent but neither is he the one who will weild the weapon first."

Discordia smiled, "And for that I am thankful. If all goes wrong, or right depending on how you look at it, I'd hate to have him end up in the lion's den. The mortals I favor have a tendency to turn up there in the end, and I'm rather fond of this one."

Diana just smiled a sympathetic smile on the reference of a mortals life span.
"Malekith?" Lucius growled. He closed his eyes and sighed. Of course. Malekith was Ikilios' assassin. It was his job to find out. But now it was different. Lucius' life was in danger and the plan in jeopardy. "Curse it,"

Caius nodded breifly before speaking. "I told no one else, what do you advise?" He asked hesitantly, unsure of Lucius' mood...
Cupid and Luna arrived with a gust of wind as not to aware the mortals. They appeared to immortal eye only next to Diana, Luna still in Cupids arms. "Well fancy that!" Cupid said, looking at Diana, then Discordia.

" It seems that everyone is looking for entertainment. What is going on here?" Luna asked her fellow godesses. She also untangled her self from Cupid for a few moments, long enough to put her hair back into an arrangement. She then took Cupids hand.
Lucius rubbed his face. "Do we not have assassins of our own? Send people after Malekith! Put a bounty on his head! It's hard to miss...but now, we have more pressing matters. Do we know what legionaires and centurions are under our influence?" Lucius asked, staring intensely at Caius.
Malekith, arriving in the palace, decided to pay a little visit to Lucius, so he could question him about Sarconia. Stopping at the door, he heard both Lucius and Caius talking about him. He decided to listen in on thier conversation.
Caius shook his head silently at Lucius question, but his head was spinning, Malekith was a prominant man, he wouldn't be able to kill without notice, and he was trained.
Ikilios sighed, his eyes gleaming with mixed emotions. "It was Lucius...Lucius wasn't at the senate disturbs me greatly." Ikilios said. He sighed again. Could he trust no one anymore? "I've been softened too much over the years. Kathryn, your intentions would probably end up saving Rome from downfall," Ikilios joked with a smile.

Kathryn returned a wavering smile unsure about Ikilios's mood. " Shall we seek out Lucius? And see what excuse he has for ducking out of a thoroughly exciting and enlivening session with the senate." Kathryn said trying to get Ikilios's mind off such catactlysmic ideas.

Was it wise to seek Lucius? After Malekith's warning...Ikilios didn't know what to do anymore. Was he to summon all the armies of Rome and surround himself in it?! Ikilios stiffened. That wasn't a bad idea. "Alrighty. We shall seek out Lucius." Ikilios said, already moving.
Lucius refrained himself from overturning his desk. Everything was going wrong! All wrong! He had everything worked out yet it was all falling apart! "Then find out, for gods' sake! Rome's borders do not end in Latium, Caius, if you haven't noticed. We need an army! Curse it all, when did things started going wrong..." Lucius mumbled. He closed his eyes. his ideas on hunting down Malekith were pathetic. He was an invincible man. How would it be possible to kill him? He'd have to be a god to Malekith!
Malekith decided it was best to recede into the shadow. Luckely there was a darkened spot inbetween two pillars beside the door so he could continue listening in. Making sure noone would see him without acually knowing he was there, he turned his ear toward the door again.
Ikilios hurried up to Lucius' doors and lifted his hand to knock. He was hesitant. Lucius has been my friend and advisor for many years...he's been loyal to my family for could it possibly be true that he's plotting against me? Ikilios pursed his lips and knocked hard on the door. "Lucius, it's me. Lucius, are you in there?" Ikilios said loudly.

Lucius' eyes grew wide. What was he doing here? He motioned Caius to hide. After checking everything, he opened the door. "Ah, Caesar, a surprise to see you here. What do i owe to this surprise?" Lucius said, calm and collected.
Venetor had ridden in late that morning and to a greeting in the form of a telling off by his superior. Condemed the rest of the day to filling out reports byt the time evening came his wrist was sore and his quill worn out. A stout roll of parchment in his hand he headed up to the palace to deliver them to Ceasar. The young Legionaire swept through the doors, his red cloak furling in his wake, down the halls to find the emperor.
"Kathryn" Malekith whispered so only she could here, "do not be alarmed. do not look around, act normal. Do not go in there, there are things I must discuss with you."

Ikilios studied Lucius, looking deep into those empty, cold blue eyes. "You weren't at the meeting today," Iklios said plainly.
Cupid looked outside of the door and spotted Malekith and Kathryn."Excuse me Goddesses." He said. "But I think I'll step outside for a while." He said as he walked out of Lucius' study, into the shadows to a point where he could see Malekith.I wonder what this weasel is up to. He said to himself.
Lucius sighed. Was that it? "My lord, I apologize deeply. I was away at my studies and did not realize the passage of time. I hope I didn't miss anything? Was there anything you needed my assistance on?" Lucius asked, feeling more relieved. Ikilios knew nothing.
"Kathryn, make some excuse to get away. What I have to say is about ceasar's safety" whispered Malekith
Venator came around the corner and sighted the ceasar...and a host of others. He hesitated in his step. His dark eyes surveying the scene and gauging it's atmosphere carefully. We it something of official nature he had no business but were the emperor to be threatened...he found the weigh of his sword resting at his hip a comfort for whatever reason, clenching the roll of parchement.

Lucius looked over Ikilios' shoulder and saw Venator. His eyes narrowed. "Caesar, someone's here for you." Lucius said softly.

Ikilios turned around and saw Venator. Ikilios smiled widely. He was glad to see Venator and they had not discussed with each other for a while. "Venator, my friend, how are you and your centuries?" Ikilios said, watching the approaching Venator. Seeing a soldier comforted him so. He felt safer, for he did not know Malekith was there to protect him as well.

Venator approached, his dark eyes surveying Lucious skeptically before returning to ceasar. Giving a distracted smile, inclining his head, "It has been too long my lord and the men are well." He bowed, "Reports from the city sire." He passed the role of parchment to Ikilio's hand and straightened himself, "There are details in there of the centries as well...and..." He hesitated in passing more sensitve information in front of others, with a glance at Lucious he finished, "And, we have been monitering the rumours of late...closely ceasar."

Ikilios took the scrolls and nodded his acknowledgement. "We shall talk in private quarters," Ikilios said, seeing Venator's hesitance. "I have much to discuss with you as well." Ikilios said. He didn't know whether he should stay and talk with Lucius or talk with Venator. He sighed. What was he gonna say to Lucius anyway? Are you plotting against me, and possibly the abdication of my throne? "Come, Venator, let us go to the gardens." Ikilios said, leaving Lucius with one last glance.
"Very well Kathryn, perhaps you are not so concerned as I origionally thought. And remember, I was not, and am not here." Malekith whispered, still quietly enought so none buy Kathryn could hear
Lucius let out a huff, watching Ikilios and Venator. Venator was definitely a Caesar's pet. WIth a glance at Kathryn, Lucius retreated to his studies again, shutting the doors loudly.

Lucius... A voice said in his mind, and his alone.Do you seriously think you'll get away with this? The voice laughed.You need to plan quick.. and strike even quicker. The voice said in Lucius' mind.

I have seen empires fall and star anew. I know what I am doing, Lucius htought venomously.

Do nottake that tone with me Lucius! I may be in a diaper but still you ow me respect. I was offering you my help, but go talk to the weasel himself for all I care! And with that Cupids voice faded from Lucius' mind.
Leonor entered the palace from Latium in a hurry

Sarconis walked into the palace from Latium heading towards Lucius' study.
Daska and Atlus stumbled in from the Latium, both of them panting hard.

Altus looked up then at his new surroundings and apprehension was to be seen even in his feline features. A glimmer of what may have been a desire to flee flickering in his light blue eye, but, given the effort it had taken to get here retreat was entirely out of the question. He lowered his head again wondering what purpose these lady shepards had in mind for him.
"Come on....nice and easy...that's it.."Daska coaxed, though she was panting hard. She took him and propped him up beside a wall, letting go and allowing him to slide down into somewhat of a heap. She sat beside him and leaned her head on the wall, panting breathlessly. She saw the glimmer of apprehension in his light blue eyes and said, "No need to worry. The bastards who hurt you for sport will not come near you." And by that, she meant everyone except for the small group that had helped him, and she showed this in her voice.

Altus did indeed slump to a heap. Thankful for the opportunity to rest he lay there, regaining his breath and watching this female whom had aided him...the act was kind enough but for what intent he wondered. The apprehension faded however from his face as he was allowed to rest...the depressed and tired look of a defeated veteran it seemed he was now...sad almost...
Ikilios turned to Venator. "I am deeply troubled, for people come to me with warnings agianst me. I do not know what i have done wrong to deserve such plots, but I am not going to sit here and do nothing." Ikilios started. He placed a hand on Venator's shoulder. "Please bring the men you can spare. I want this palace safe. Seeing you, Venator, or any Roman legion brings my heart rest and comfort. I want your men in this palace, Venator, because I know I can trust you." Ikilios said, looking into Venator's eyes.

A servant came up. "My lord Caesar, lady Leonor has returned from her trip."

Ikilios sighed. He nodded and patted Venator's shoulder. With that, Ikilios went off in search of Leonor.

Leonor was walking around with a basin of fresh water, wondering if the lion had arrived yet. She looked around and just around the corner, she saw Ikilios. Her heart beat faster and she wanted to retreat, yet she could not move as his eyes fell on her.

Ikilios spotted Leonor and hurriedly walked to her. He removed the basin from her hands and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace.

"My lord!" Leonor cried out in surprise.

"Please do not fight, Leonor. My heart is much troubled and I need comfort, something only you may provide. Seeing you safe relieves my heart so." Ikilios whispered into her hair.

Leonor closed her eyes, stiff in his arms. She did not return the embrace.

"Leonor, wrap your arms around me, I beg of you." Ikilios murmured.

Leonor only did what he wished. But as she wrapped her arms around him, tears overwhelmed her and she hugged him close. "What troubles you as greatly as this, Caesar," she whispered, momentarily forgetting about Altus.

"Everything," he replied, resting his chin atop her head. "everything," he repeated. It warmed his heart to hold her, yet it made his fear grow stronger, for his fear of Leonor's safety only grew. "Leonor, what shall I do with you," he thought out loud as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Leonor pulled away with a cry. She forgot all about Altus. "Oh, Caesar, I was occupied at the moment and in quite a hurry! I shall return to you later." Leonor cried out, picking up the basin of water and hurrying away without a glance at Ikilios.
Lucius opened his doors to check if anybody was there, to see if it was safe to talk, and then spotted Sarconia. He grinned. "Dear Sarconia, I see you bring news. Tell me, how is it between Ikilios and Leonor? We must act quickly," Lucius said, remembering the voice in his head.
please continue at Ikilios' Palace 4

back to the Pantheon, Pantheon 2
back to the Colosseum, Colosseum 2
back to Latium, Latium 2
back to Rome

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2004-02-09 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: yes may probably not though right Tali!

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: *laughs* :)

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: cooki, ur turn?

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: cookie where are you?

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: hey speakin of that where is cheese man?

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: hey we have cookies and cheese here yummy edible substances : )

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: be back in half an hr

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: *guffaws* everyones leaving!

2004-02-09 [thestranger]: hee hee not me im still here... did cooki leave too?

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: :D good thing ur here! I dont know.. maybe shes just afk.. ??

2004-02-09 [thestranger]: lol possibly...

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: ehh *shruggs* they're gonna come back no worries

2004-02-09 [thestranger]: yay...

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: lol

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: im bak...sorry, i had to reinstall crap on my laptop since it was infested with

2004-02-09 [thestranger]: yay! that youre back... not that your computer was invested

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: hehhee....alot of ppl left while i was gone.......TT_TT

2004-02-09 [thestranger]: ah and now i have to go, but i'll be back in like 10 minutes lol

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: TT_TT...oky

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: lol welcome back cooki, and hurry back stranger

2004-02-09 [cheesemonkey]: HI EVERYONE!

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: hey cheese man

2004-02-09 [cheesemonkey]: hows it goin?

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: ahaah very good. did you check out the pantheon? *"Can you feel, the love tonight?" sings*

2004-02-09 [cheesemonkey]: lmao...o gawd...u guys must've been real bored

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: very... cookie your turn

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: lmao, it was really funny. *cough*Cupid and Luna*cough*

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: i get after cookie, oooooo cheese man you woulda been so proud of the three of us. we took turns.. and werent fighting aobut who go thte edit button. cooki wuold go, then me then kit, then cooki then me then kit.. and it just went on like that. :D were such good girls

2004-02-09 [Kit Azhure]: ha! good girls! yay right!

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: is tentativness a word?

2004-02-09 [test_drive]: brb, ppl!! gotta go buy something at office depot

2004-02-09 [cheesemonkey]: o, bbai jen! see ya later! i have to go buy some food at the market too...i'll bbl!

2004-02-09 [thestranger]: it can be a word now lol

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: haha, i guess it can :D

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: i get edit after stranger

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: *yawn* slpy....stupid skool...

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: lol yes skool = death

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: hahah, too bad i dont go to skool

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: *glares* well i didnt have skool today so im fine ^.^

2004-02-10 [Rizzen]: wow, is it just me, or is the side loyal to ceasar getting more and more powerful...

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lol, it seems that way...wat, does caesar have like, 3 generals and one assassin?? there's only one enemy general i know of...

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: 9 are loyal and 8 are enemies

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: really? hmm..

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: dinner time! brb ;D

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: im bak....n everyone's at the pantheon now...lmao...including my character..

2004-02-10 [Rizzen]: oh, guys, go to colosseum two, myself and Aurelius are having a duel. Trust me, you don't want to miss it

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: where are me and leonor and ikilios?

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: well, they never went to the, so i guess they never left

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: so lets resque them! where is Tali today?

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: iono...hmm...maybe skool??

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: at 533pm

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: wel, for me n tali, it's only 2:35

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: oh! *beats cheese man with sushi like i said i would*

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: i keep forgettin the time difference

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: hehe

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: ur turn cheese man

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: my turn? Ooo...i get it

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: where is Tali im bored and she understands!!!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: okyee doakyee ur turn guys

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: ha ha capitualation!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: ello is any one there?

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: yes! me

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: im here...but im watching gladiator so im distracted...hehe

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: really... wow i've had to little sleep.. ;D

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: yay two people!!!!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: Talis here!!! Talis here!!! * runs around telling everyone*

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lol, indeed she is

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: cheese man what did you do.. neva mind

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lol

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: Tali didn't say hai she went straight for the edit button...* pouts*

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: haha

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: don't laugh * throw pudding at cookie*

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: *grins* sorry love *gives all huggles* I couldnt help myself.

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: *laughs more*

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: eip! no pudding!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: yay * huggles back* what can i throw at cookie?

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: :D umm.. mud! ;)

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: u can throw me at cooki! lol

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: but i don't want to get my hands dirty what else could i throw at her

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: humm. .not cheese man, theyd BOTH like that too much. :p hum... wut about... peas?

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: IMPORTANT COMMENT: please edit at the very bottom of the page!!! stop typing it where u last left off.....TT_TT..type after the very last person's entry....TT_TT

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: lol!

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: I call edit after stranger

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: im after tali!!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: throws flowers at cookie

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: im after cheese man!!

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: flowers r nice

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: i get it after monkey man i mean cheese man. :D : ) looks like i get it after cookie now

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: ohhh tali go get that edit button! sick it girl! : )

2004-02-10 [thestranger]: *waves* hi all :D

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lol, monkey man...

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: hello thestranger!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: well... what do you think cheese man or monk... no you'll neva be monkey man... ur CHEESE MAN!!!!!!!!!

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: ...wheres tali?

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: i say we give tali 5 sec before some one else takes the button

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: 5 secounds

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: 4

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: ah man she came ; )

2004-02-10 [thestranger]: haha, I like monk :D

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: im slpy.....=_=

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: haey no sleeping! not til after i leazzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz sorry fell asleep where was i... where am i?

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: :/ im not sleepy,... then again its 4:09

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: its 709 pm here

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: iz sleepy.. cum on cheese man

2004-02-10 [thestranger]: same here *yawn*

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: the time or the sleepeyz

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: =_=

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: ah!!! the RPG for pirates i have to keep up with that too....TT_TT...*goes crazy*

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lol, but ur not hosting it so it wont b as hard

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: you betta be loyaler to us though or we'll throw... cheese at you!

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: hahaha.

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: :D *does the happy dance*

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: sry ><

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: y r u sorry??

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: oky, i'm gonna go do my homework...i'll bbl

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: bye cookie

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: kk byebyes, becuase that was very random lol!

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: man...i think im gonna go take a NAP! im tired....=_=...see ya dudettes later!

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: nnnnnnoooo! u californian's always lazzy! : P

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: lmao

2004-02-10 [cheesemonkey]: lol, i'm from England, thank u very just visitng friends in Cali

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: tali are you conversing on many pages again?

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: :D yes, blood lust, the pirate page, darkness, all creatures, kissing and this

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: yay you can multi task are u discordia Tali?

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: merry old england yay! well... i can't think of a reply to that... now post!

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: no im not discordia :p thestranger is i think. im apollo and cupid ^.^

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: well post in the Pantheon then Cupid i was talking to you... read what Luna wrote! : D

2004-02-10 [DeadHead]: ok hold on.

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: holding can i let go?! : D

2004-02-10 [Kit Azhure]: dinna gtg be back in bout an hr! : )

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: k hb!

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: hey pple check out darkness in the light its my friends.

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: iz back where is everyone?

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: im here :D

2004-02-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: I'm here. Not that it matters,

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: where is cookie and cheese man

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: yes it does! *hugglies to all* welcome back pples

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: they left with out even a good bye...

2004-02-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: no it doesn't. Because every chance I get of actually rping with anyone, it's when I'm reading it all over.

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: ... not much you can do... when it is afternoon for these peoples its night time for us me at least... you matter...*GROUP HUGGLES!!*

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: :D weeeeeee group hugglies!!!!

2004-02-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: makes that two of us, then.

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: : ) :D

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: everyone left... well then byes empty pages

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: =_=

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: welcome back cheese man! :D

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: thank u! i think i just made myself more tired by taking the npa, but all is good...hehe

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: lol! yea probably. *hugs cheese man* you were missed so much! :D

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: Cheese MAN! * Jumps on cheese man and hugs him*

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: hehehe, i missed u all too! *hugs everyone*

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: damnit, now i REALLY gotta go eat >.< ill bbl!!

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: im after kit!

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: cheese man i mean ikilios you need to post!

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: cheese man POST!! Pleas i gtg

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: i'll post after thestranger

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: good bout time

2004-02-11 [Kit Azhure]: night lata!

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: gnite!

2004-02-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: it's collected. not collective. *cracks up*

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: bad...

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: sok jen...ppl make mistakes...i still love u

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: ok im back

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: heehee, i'm sneaking

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: lol

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: welcome bak, tali!

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: indeed, welcome back

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: *laughs* your not sneaking from cupid rizzen ;). and thanks all of you :D

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: tali, you wound me. do you really thing me a weasel? I've always thought of myself as a snake in the grass

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: ... weasel suits you better hun :D

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: *giggle*

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: ouch, my feelings

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: *tackles rizzen* now its "ouch my body" :P

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: lol. did you not see my fight? do you really want to get into this

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: lol indeed. anyway *jumps up from the ground, goes into stance*

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: wow, I'm stupid. all the time malekith is talking to Kathryn, and Kit isen't even here.

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: lmao...u silly goose...i mean..snake...

2004-02-11 [Roccoriel]: y'all should just be glad my char Feredir is busy betraying another kingdom or ceasar would be in serious trouble. *cackles maniacly*

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: cheesy's post is gone!

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: you mean WEASEL!!! *pulls out a dagger and goes into crouch stance*

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: yeah, what happened? oh, cookimonster, you enjoy the story?

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: I'm glad you liked it. though i did not feel there was enough action in the final battle. Oh, and for all those interested, i'd be happy to send you a copy of my literary precious

2004-02-11 [Rizzen]: oh, and Tali, I'm sorry, but we must battle another time, for my pillow calls, and if I dont get to it now, it will eat my soul

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: pfft, your a b!tch ;)

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: lol

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: bah, i gotta go study for a test tomorrow...i'll ttyl!!!

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: have fun jen, ehehe

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: byebyes

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: o, well, i guess i'll take up a snack n go to bed early...

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: bai tali!!! *hugs tali tightly before he leaves*

2004-02-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: blarg! last chance to rp and I gotta go to bed really soon.

2004-02-11 [test_drive]: lol, stupid damien!

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: lol, this is what i call classical cheesy love

2004-02-11 [DeadHead]: hello :D

2004-02-11 [cheesemonkey]: hullo

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: hello!

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